Generic coverings may be okay for others – NOT US!
APT supplies rubber, urethane, and silicon rolls for many applications including: rolling mills, coil processing, light and ultra-light gauge metal applications.
For your toughest jobs, we solve problems caused by glazing, cutting, slippage marking, acid corrosion, and solution carry through. Let us custom design a solution for your rolls.
- Custom compounded roll covers designed for your specific application
- Specializing in knowledge & use of targeted additives to strengthen & enhance our coverings
- Providing solutions for the most demanding environments
Apt Rubber Roll advantages
When other covers can’t – Ours can!
Proprietary polymers provide outstanding wear & cut resistance, low hysteresis and low rolling
Non-glazing covers developed for lower rolling resistance (less energy consumption to drive roll) and enhanced co-efficient of friction
Resistance to a variety of immersion media such as acids, bases/caustics, oils, hydrocarbons, and, cleaners
High-temperature formulations designed specifically for atmospheric furnace seals on Continuous Annealing Lines
Rubber Roll Product Line

Where do you find Rubber Rolls in your process line?
. Oiler Rolls
. Applicator Rolls
. Wringer Rolls in rinse tank
(Cleaning Section)
. Wringer Rolls in rinse tank
(After Plating)
. Oiler Rolls
. Wringer Rolls following quench
. Wringer Rolls in rinse tank
. Wringer Rolls in final cleaning section
. Rolls used for rolling fluid retention
. Oiler rolls on recoilers
. Squeegee rolls to clean work rolls
. Oiler Rolls on recoilers
. Rollers used for rolling fluid retention
. Wringer rolls in exit rinse (after painting)
. Wringer rolls in rinse tank (after caustic cleaning prior to paint)
. Applicator rolls
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls in rinse stations of pre-treatment and cleaning sections
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls in final rinse stations after coating/ painting/lacquering
. Deflector rolls
. Tension/Bridle rolls
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls in rinse stations after degreasing/ cleaning sections
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls in brushing machines
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls in rinse stations after pickling/ after galvanizing
. After phospating
. Oiler rolls
. Deflector rolls
. Tension / Bridle rolls
. Wringer / Squeegee rolls in final rinse stations before strip drier
. Wringer / Squeegee rolls in rinse stations
. Oiler rolls
. Pinch (Driving) rolls
. Tension / Bridle rolls
. Brake (Tension) rolls
. Oiler rolls
. Feed rolls
. Pinch (Driving) rolls
Embossing Lines
. Feed Rolls
. Pinch (Driving) rolls
. De-oiler rolls
. Oiler rolls
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls in rinse stations
. De-oiler rolls before cleaning section
. Tension Rolls
. Oiler Rolls
. Oiler Rolls
. Rolls for oil removal
. Wringer rolls after water quench
. Wringer rolls in rinse tank (cleaning section)
. Wringer rolls in rinse tank (after caustic cleaning)
. Wringer Rolls in cleaning section (after tin plate)
. Pass line rolls at recoiler
. Wringer rolls (rinse section)
. Stainless steel lines
. Oiler rolls
. Wringer rolls for non-ferrous acid and rinse
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls in rinse stations of pre-treatment and cleaning sections
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls after water quench
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls after wet temper mill
. Wringer/Squeegee rolls in rinse stations of
after- treatment section
. Oiler rolls
. Deflector rolls
. Tension/Bridle rolls
. De-oiler rolls (entry and exit side)
. Emulsion wringer / squeegee rolls (entry and exit side)
. Oiler rolls before recoiler
. Pinch (Driving) rolls
. Cleaning / wiping rolls on back-up rolls
. Speed-o-meter rolls / measuring wheels
. Wringer / Squeegee rolls in rinse stations after degreasing / cleaning sections
. Wringer / Squeegee rolls in brushing machine
. Wringer / Squeegee rolls after water quench
. Wringer / Squeegee rolls in final rinse stations
. Oiler rolls
. Deflector rolls
. Tension / Bridle rolls
. Wringer / Squeegee rolls in rinse stations of pre-treatment and cleaning sections
. Wringer / Squeegee rolls in final rinse stations after tin plating
. Oiler rolls
. Deflector rolls
. Tension / Bridle rolls
. Wringer / Squeegee Rolls
. De-oiler Rolls
. Oiler Rolls
. Entry Feed Rolls
As part of our service, APT uses hardware and software to determine TIR and synergistic measurements to determine a final products quality.
Analysis of the results leads to optimization of the roll, shaft, and process.
- . Complete rolls including bearing units
- . Manufacturing of shafts for rolls
- . Checking and refinishing of worn-out rolls
- . Re-coating of worn-out rolls
- . Examination, repair and replacement of shaft journals, fittings and accessories
- . Advice for application and development of customer specific solutions
- . Full service with transport, documentation, etc
Custom Roll Shipping Boxes
We will design, engineer, and manufacture custom steel boxes to meet your requirements. These boxes offer a robust construction and can be designed to secure the rolls by either the journals or bearing blocks in place. These boxes offer the security that the rolls are received by our customers in perfect condition that they left from our facility.
Rubber Roll Covers:
Customized roll coverings
Wide variety of finishes:
- . Crowns
- . Spiral Grooving
- . Chevron Grooving
- . Diamond Grooving
- . Block Grooving
- . Herringbone
- . Threading
- . Saw-Cut
- . Precision Matching
- . Crepe Finish
- . Banding Slots